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    What is IoT?

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices that share information with each other and with cloud platforms.

    What is IoT Security?

    IoT security addresses potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities, applies necessary patches, and provides ongoing support for devices connected to the internet.

    IoT typically connects to wi-fi, whether referring to smart home devices or medical devices. IoT allows for instant communication with objects in the environment and the ability to collect and store data online. An example of IoT is a thermostat or doorbell that users can control through an app or AI assistant. IoT devices also automate warehouses, manufacturing, and office buildings.

    What are IoT Cybersecurity Concerns?

    IoT connected devices extend the cybersecurity exposure companies have and are difficult to inventory. The IoT Security Foundation's IoT Security Assurance Framework recommends that developers of IoT devices prioritize cybersecurity during the creation process. Devices should have data encryption, user access control, regular updates, and be easy to connect to IT asset lists. The NIST recommendations for IoT Security also include documentation and non-technical security supports like an incident response plan impacting IoT.

    It is important to consider the security of the network that IoT devices are connected to. This is in addition to ensuring the security of the devices themselves. Both aspects are crucial for overall security. The network's security can impact the safety and privacy of the data transmitted by the devices. It is essential to address both device and network security to protect against potential threats. By ensuring network security, enterprises can reduce the exposure that IoT creates.

    The other area of related security is API security. Web APIs need security features like access control, data encryption, cyber attack detection, and vulnerability scanning. These features are necessary to protect the data. Access control ensures that only authorized users can access the API. Data encryption secures the data being transmitted. Cyber attack detection helps identify and prevent malicious attacks. Vulnerability scanning helps to identify and fix any weaknesses in the API.