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    Our newly released Data Analytics feature delivers in-app analysis capabilities that elevate data insights and reporting. 

    Even with the incredible power of our query engine, users may still need to gather, interpret, and present data in a more aggregated format. Reporting to C-level executives, for instance, may entail grouping summaries and percentages that give executives the higher-level vantage point to evaluate the entire asset landscape. Executives may prefer to know how many vulnerabilities were identified and remediated in a given month or quarter, rather than pore through a lengthy report with a list of the itemized vulnerabilities. 

    Executives often use this type of data to make informed business decisions that impact their entire organization. Data analytics delivers what they need. 

    Introducing Axonius Data Analytics 

    The Axonius Data Analytics feature delivers powerful, in-app pivot table capabilities. No more downloading and opening data in a spreadsheet to complete advanced analytics. Users can now analyze and aggregate data from within Axonius. They simply create a query, load the query into the pivot table, identify what fields to present, and configure how data is formatted. 

    Data Analytics pivot tables enable users to analyze large quantities of data to reveal previously unrecognized insights. They consolidate complex inventory data into clear-cut, quantitative results that are informative and actionable. Axonius pivot tables operate like standard pivot tables to provide:

    • Customizable aggregation — Configure columns, rows, and data fields. Specify calculation types, like sums, averages, or counts with calculated fields 
    • Quick and easy filtering — Filter the pivot value to make it easier to isolate subsets of data based on specific criteria. This can help you to focus on the data that is most relevant 
    • Interactivity — Rearrange, filter, and update the data to quickly explore different scenarios and uncover insights that might be hidden within the data
    • Descriptive statistics — Use calculated fields to compute descriptive statistics, such as sums, averages, and standard deviations, to gain a deeper understanding of the data and identify patterns and trends 



    Uncovering insights

    Pivot tables help sort, summarize, evaluate, investigate, and present complex asset inventory data in a simplified, executive-level format that helps inform business decisions. 

    For instance, users can review regional IT data to determine how OS patch maintenance differs by region. Axonius enables users to create a query to include data relating to regional office location, OS type and version, and OS available security patches. Using the query to populate the pivot table, we can filter fields and apply calculated values to determine which regions have the highest number and percentage of unpatched OSs. This allows decision-makers to easily identify where additional direction or resources are needed to maintain OS version compliance within a particular region. 


    Data Analytics also plays an important role in reporting. Selected data analytic queries (created using the Data Analytics page) can be included in a report and automatically updated at regular intervals to simplify the manual process of report generation. 

    The Axonius Data Analytics feature adds yet another way to simplify data for improved understanding, trend spotting, and reporting. It is now freely available to all Axonius customers. 


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